Friday, May 24, 2013

The Journey

Whew...a breath: a couple minutes of "free time" after the children are down for the night, a glimpse of what God is teaching me, a reflection of my beautiful, blessed life. That is a breath to me.

It has been literally a long time since I have blogged. During that time I was thinking blogging was a waste of time, it was something I had to "keep up on", and that I wasn't a very articulate writer. I look back now and wish I had taken a few minutes here and there to log the happenings of my family, the emotional highs, the shocking surprises, the hard-depend-on-God lows, the days I have struggled to get through, the tears, the BLESSINGS in giggles and kisses...oh, what a special ride my life has taken. I hope to pour out God's wisdom on these pages, the depth of what He has shown me. I hope to be honest, not just for an audience, but so that I can look back to realize just what my amazing Savior has brought me through and where He has brought me to. I find the more I share my tears, struggles, fears, blessings, joys, trials, and the triumphs, the more I can encourage others down the path they are wlaking in life.
Wow, seriously, I cannot think back over the last 2-3 years of my life and not be blown away with where God has brought me and my "little" (more on this later) family. I pray the words on these pages will somehow encourage others. Will encourage me as I look back. Will encourage and lead my precious children.
I guess this is a welcoming back of sorts. A commitment to myself to show my family their "heritage".